Lily has a tent that Mya loved. They both had so much fun in the tent.
On Saturday night we went to the Hockey game. The Florida gators played the Florida State seminols. Here are a few pictures from the game.
The smile on Mya's face during the whole game was such an amazing feeling. I love the fact that she loves sports. She kept yelling for the players and ended up telling me that she wanted to go skating. I will have to take her to the ice skating rink. God knows her mom won't be able to take her..haha. That is another story for another time though. There were alot of goals scored during the game, most came from the gators. Mya clapped and cheered for every one of them. When the Gators scored the entire crowd would do the gator chomp. Mya loved doing that as well. I guess I am going to have to come to terms with the fact that Mya quite possibly could become a Florida Gator...UGH!! here is a video of Mya doing the Chomp...I have to admit it was pretty cute.
The entire trip was so much fun. We topped off a great weekend with great friends at Crackerbarrel on Sunday morning for Breakfast. It has become a Sunday morning tradition with the Culverhouses.
I want to share another video with you all before I go. Mya loves telling everyone what she had and didn't have for Breakfast.
I hope you all enjoyed our family visit to Savannah. Stay Tuned!.......